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slowly but surely, Hackaday readers have been logging onto our retro edition with some very old hardware. Természetesen a legmenőbb, mint retro siker. [azog] and [logik] entered the pantheon of brave souls who loaded up Hackaday with a Commodore 64 this week, and their builds are pretty impressive to say the least.

[logik]’s build was nearly doomed from the start: he used a C64 found dumpster diving one day with a bad power supply and half-dead VRAM chips. The first order of business was getting the C64 talking to a PC with the help of a MAX232 serial IC and loading up 64HDD to transfer a copy of Novaterm. From there it was a simple matter of connecting to an Ubuntu box and pulling up our retro site with the help of a text-only web browser.

[azog] didn’t want to abuse Lynx with his submission so he connected a Commodore 64 Ethernet card and loaded up Contiki. The banner image (above) is the ASCII Hackaday logo rendered with the C64’s PETSCII character set, something I did not foresee when I created our retro edition. Mégis, freakin ‘félelmetes.

Kis félre, meg fogjuk nyitni a hozzászólás megjegyzéseit az ötletek és ajánlások, amelyekkel a Hackaday Retro Edition. Mit szeretne látni? A RetroCompution Guide Woeferden nem megfelelő, tudjuk, de van egy projekt a munkákban (a WIFI-t egy soros porton keresztül egy 68k-os Mac-en keresztül) kell megkapni.

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